Medical care and attention

The highest quality medical care is provided by our team of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physical therapists, and nursing aids which are continuously developing their professional knowledge and skills. We provide continuous medical care to our residents, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. We provide continuous physician supervision. We collaborate with emergency services, primary health care offices, as well as specialty and subspecialty clinics. We arrange medical examinations and evaluations, as well as subspecialty doctor’s visits at our nursing homes, according to our resident’s needs.
In order to provide all necessary nursing care, we provide, but are not limited to, the following nursing procedures and interventions:

• Preventing complications of long-term immobility for bed ridden residents (pressure ulcers, pneumonia, atelectasis, contractures, thrombosis e.t.c.)
• Wound care of post-operative wounds and pressure ulcers
• Administration of intravenous infusions
• Insertion of intravenous cannula
• Administration of intravenous medications
• Obtaining blood samples, swabs, and stool samples for laboratory tests
• Urinary bladder catheterization
• Succtioning of respiratory secretions
• Oxygen therapy via nasal canula or face mask
• Administration of enema
• Colostomy, gastrostomy, tracheostomy, and nephrostomy care
• Insertion of nasogastric tube for the purpose of feeding


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