Dear Mrs.Sandra and Mr.Krešimir,
Touched by your care and respect for our mother Nada Glažar, I want to thank you for one more time, for your great care and compassion that you provided to our mother for the past four years while she resided at Bene Vita.
I would especially like to thank Mrs. Jelena and Mrs. Julka for their kindness and comforting words they offered to our mother. She was touched by their care, and used to show her gratitude with a big hug.
I would like to thank all of you for showing respect for our mother after she passed away, and for finding the time to participate in her memorial service.
A big thanks to all of you.
Sincerely, Željko Glazar with family.
We would like to thank you personally, as well as all of the staff, once again, for the great care through all of the years that our mother, Zdenka “Štefanija“ Banjšak, and our aunt, Božena Mioković, received in your facility.
During their prolonged stay in your facility, we witnessed the compassion and care they have received. We always felt comfortable knowing that they were happy and safe, as well as that all of their needs have been met, particularly on the days when we were out of town.
Special thanks to all nurses and caregivers who showed great care and compassion in the final days of our mother’s life when her health was worsening.
We would like to thank all of you for your sincere condolences.
With respect and best regards to all of you,
Family Banjšak
Dear all,
I am writing to you, all dear employees at Bene Vita, in order to thank you once again in my personal name, as well as in behalf of my sister and my son, for all that you have done for our mother Neda Gärtner. We thank you for making it possible for her to live her last days with dignity and minimal suffering.
I would especially like to thank Mr. Marijo, Miss Sanela, Mr. Mato, Mrs. Ana Marija, Mrs. Ivana, Ema, Vanja, Marina, as well as everyone else who participated in her care during her stay at your facility (including the cook, maid, and nurses). Thank you for being compassionate, full of understanding, and always available. I am recommending your facility without reservation to anyone who may need it. The final days of my mother’s life were very distressing for me, but you have done everything you could to comfort me, and to lessen my personal pain. I am grateful to you for all of your compassionate care, expertise, and support.
Best regards,
Heda Gartner and family
I have a great need to compliment the Institution for elderly and disabled people, BENE VITA, Gospočak, Aleksandra Horvat 1a.
Compliments to all staff. The staff is friendly, compassionate, and attentive.
The food is excellent and delicious. My mom, who was an excellent cook, does not have any objections.
Cleanliness and hygiene are appropriate. Everything works flawlessly.
Doctor’s rounds are provided on weekly basis. Nurses and nurses aids provide the care the residents need in each shift.
Physiotherapists provide daily exercise or walk the residents who need it.
The facility nurses make appropriate arrangements for doctor’s visits for the residents who need subspecialty medical care provided either in the hospital or subspecialty doctor’s office.
The staff works closely as a team. Every employe wants to help as much as he or she can in order to make resident’s life as pleasant as possible.
I visit my mother on almost a daily basis at different times of the day. I have noticed the neatness is always at the highest level, and I am mostly impressed by the flawless attitude of the staff towards residents.
Resident have been served coffee around 8 o’clock in the morning, breakfast follows at 9 o’clock. Lunch has been served at 1:30 P.M. Snacks have been served at 4 P.M. and include cake or seasonal fruit. Dinner follows after that.
The facility arranges workshops and birthday parties for all the residents.
Today is Saint Martin ..
I believe there is no better accommodation for my mother than this facility.
šumska bobica